Namespace: Docentric.Documents.Reporting.Model.Definitions
Assembly: Docentric.Documents.Reporting (in Docentric.Documents.Reporting.dll)
public enum ImageSizeMode

Member name Description
FitPlaceholder The image is resized to fit in the placeholder dimensions while it preserves its native aspect ratio.
FitPlaceholderHeight The image is resized so that its height matches the placeholder's height while retaining the image's aspect ratio.
FitPlaceholderWidth The image is resized so that its width matches the placeholder's width while retaining the image's aspect ratio.
TryUseImageSizeOrFitPlaceholder The image's original size is used as long as the image fits the placeholder. If the image is bigger than the placeholder, then the image is resized to fit in the placeholder dimensions while it preserves its native aspect ratio.
UseImageSize The image's original size is used.
UsePlaceholderSize The image is resized to fill the placeholder dimensions. The aspect ratio is not preserved.