Specifies how the styles of the source document are handled during an import operation in regard to the target document.

Namespace: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel
Assembly: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel (in Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.dll)
public enum ImportStyleMode

Member name Description
CopySourceDocumentStyles Styles of the source document will be copied to the target document. Although the all source document styles are copied over to the target document, the appended source document will still have different look/formatting if the source and the target documents define different default styles. The names of the copied styles will be changed if there are name collisions with the styles in the target document.
RetainSourceDocumentFormatting This mode ensures that the source document will retain its look and formatting when appended to the target document. Styles of the source document will be copied to the target document. Any format differences due to different default styles between the source and the target document will be compensated by setting inline format values for the affected imported source document elements. The names of the copied styles will be changed if there are name collisions with the styles in the target document.
UseTargetDocumentStyles Target document styles will be used for those styles in the source document that match by names. Those styles that do not exist in the target document are copied from the source document to the target document.