Specifies a delimiter between the existing target document content and the imported document content.

Namespace: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel
Assembly: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel (in Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.dll)
public enum ImportedDocumentDelimiter

Member name Description
ColumnBreak A text column break will be added before the imported document content will be added to the existing target document content. As a result, the imported document content will start on a new column in the target (merged) document.
None The imported document content will simply be appended to the end of the existing target document content and no page break or section break will be added to delimit the existing and the imported content.
PageBreak A page break will be added before the imported document content will be added to the existing target document content. As a result, the imported document content will start on a new page in the target (merged) document.
SourceDocumentStartingSection A section break with the starting Section of the source document will be added before the imported document content will be appended at the end of the existing target document content. As a result, the imported document content will start in a new section in the target (merged) document.
TargetDocumentInsertionPointSection A section break with the starting Section of the source document will be added before the imported document content will be added to the existing target document content. As a result, the imported document content will start in a new section in the target (merged) document.