Specifies the vertical position of a floating ShapeBase.


Namespace: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.Shapes
Assembly: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel (in Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.dll)
public struct VerticalPosition

The VerticalPosition type exposes the following members.

Name Description
Public member Alignment Gets the alignment.
Public member Offset Gets the offset.
Public member PositioningBase Gets the base location of this vertical position.
Public member Type Gets the vertical position type.
Name Description
Public methodStatic member AbsoluteOffset Defines a vertical position with an an absolute offset in respect to the specified positioning base.
Public methodStatic member Aligned Defines a vertical position with alignment in respect to the specified positioning base.
Public method Equals(Object) Compares two VerticalPosition structures for equality. (Overrides VerticalPosition.Equals)
Public method Equals Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Inherited from ValueType)
Public method GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance. (Overrides VerticalPosition.GetHashCode)
Public method GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance. (Inherited from ValueType)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic member PercentageOffset Defines a vertical position with an an offset expressed as percentage in respect to the specified positioning base.
Public method ToString Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. (Inherited from ValueType)