Represents an in-memory document. It is always the root in a DOM object heirarchy.


Namespace: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel
Assembly: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel (in Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.dll)
public class Document : DocumentObject

The Document type exposes the following members.

Name Description
Public member Background Gets the document body.
Public member Body Gets the document body.
Public member DefaultCharacterFormat Gets or sets the default character format for the document.
Public member DefaultCharacterStyle Gets or sets the default character style. The default style gets automatically applied to all Run elements that do not have their style explicitely set.
Public member DefaultParagraphFormat Gets or sets the default paragraph format for the document.
Public member DefaultParagraphStyle Gets or sets the default paragraph style. The default style gets automatically applied to all Paragraph elements that do not have their style explicitely set.
Public member DefaultTableStyle Gets or sets the default table style. The default style gets automatically applied to all Table elements that do not have their style explicitely set.
Public member EngineSettings Gets the EngineSettings object containing engine settings for this document.
Public member Lists Gets the lists (numbering definitions) of the document.
Public member OwnerDocument Gets the owner document. (Inherited from DocumentObject)
Public member Sections Gets the sections of the document. This collection is read-only. If you want to add new or remove sections, add or remove corresponding SectionBreak objects from the document body.
Public member Settings Gets the DocumentSettings object containing settings that are common to the whole document.
Public member Styles Gets the sections of the document.
Name Description
Public method Append(Document) Appends another document to the end of this document.
Public method Append(Document, ImportOptions) Appends another document to the end of this document.
Public method Clone Clones this Document object including its DOM children. (Overrides Document.Clone)
Public methodStatic member Concatenate(Stream[], ImportOptions) Concatenates the specified documents. The input documents do not get modified during the opration.
Public methodStatic member Concatenate(Document[], ImportOptions) Concatenates the specified documents. The input documents do not get modified during the opration.
Public methodStatic member Concatenate(Document, Document, ImportOptions) Concatenates two documents by appending the second document to the first one. The input documents do not get modified during the opration.
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object)
Public method Import(T, ImportOptions) Clones the specified DOM object (from another Document) so that it can be added to this document.
Public method Import(IEnumerable<T>, ImportOptions) Clones the specified DOM objects (from another Document) so that they can be added to this document.
Public methodStatic member Load(String) Loads the document from the given file path.
Public methodStatic member Load(Stream) Loads the document from a Stream representing a valid Word document.
Public methodStatic member Load(Stream, LoadOptions) Loads the document from a Stream. The input stream can contain a document in one of the supported file formats.
Public methodStatic member New Creates a new document.
Public method Print() Prints the document to the default printer.
Public method Print(String) Prints the document to the specified printer.
Public method Print(String, PrintTicket) Prints the document to the specified printer using the specified PrintTicket.
Public method Print(String, PrintTicket, PrintPageSelection) Prints the document to the specified printer using the specified PrintTicket.
Public method Save(Stream, SaveOptions) Saves the document to the given Stream object.
Public method Save(String) Saves the document to the specified file.
Public method SaveAsImage Saves the document as an image.
Public method ToString Returns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from Object)
Name Description
Public event SaveProgressChanged Occurs when a progress is made during a document save operation.