In this report, we want to write a list of products with some product details (e.g. name, category, price etc.) using Word bulleting feature. Data model used for all examples is exposed here.

Initially, we are creating a report template. Follow the common preparation steps to start building the template from scratch:

  • Open a new blank Word document and enable it for templating
  • Turn on Data Sources and Elements Explorers
  • Define default data source as the Product class

After that, you should be at the following point:
Repeating arbitrary content image

We should emphasize that we want to build the template binding LD Elements to a list of Product instead of to one single instance of class Product:
Repeating arbitrary content image

In the Word document (template) insert a bullet and while it is marked, insert a LD List element. Bind List element to default data source that represents collection of products leaving the Path property empty:
Repeating arbitrary content image
Repeating arbitrary content image
Set the sorting of the future rendered list of products through Order By property of the List element (about sorting collections you can read here):
Repeating arbitrary content image

Within the List element insert two LD Field elements bound to Category.Name and Name properties of class Product, a type of IEnumerable<Product> (binding source of their parent List element):
Repeating arbitrary content image

Repeating arbitrary content image

Finally, finished template (with Design Mode switched on) looks like:
Repeating arbitrary content image

Next, save the template and generate the report. Report generation takes place programmatically, from your application that is using (has a reference to) the LD ReportEngine dll. This code looks like following:

// Instancing report engine, by assigning the data source
DocumentGenerator dg = new DocumentGenerator(DataAccess.GetProducts());

// Generating report by specifying the report template and the resulting report (as file paths)
DocumentGenerationResult result = dg.GenerateDocument("example7.docx", "example7_output.docx");

// Examining potentially errors
if (result.HasErrors)
    foreach (Error error in result.Errors) Console.Out.WriteLine(error.Message);

It is also possible to invoke the method GenerateDocument with same parameters typed as System.IO.Stream.

Generated report looks like:
Repeating arbitrary content image