Specifies a field type.

Namespace: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.Fields
Assembly: Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel (in Docentric.Documents.ObjectModel.dll)
public enum FieldType

Member name Description
Date Specifies a field that inserts the current date.
Hyperlink Specifies a field that represents a hyperlink.
NumPages Specifies a field that inserts the total number of pages in the document.
Page Specifies a field that inserts the current page number.
PageRef Specifies a field that inserts the page number of a bookmark for a cross-reference.
Section Specifies a field that inserts the number of the current section.
SectionPages Specifies a field that inserts the total number of pages in the current section
Toc Specifies a field that builds a table of contents (TOC).
Unknown Field type is either unsupported or cannot be resolved.