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Mail Merge with flexible and powerful tools

Choose the tool that is flexible enough to handle any mail-merge or reporting requirement.

Template design is done in MS Word with the help of our Add-In. Docentric Toolkit Templates are just ordinary MS Word documents that also contain tagging elements used to designate the template for the data-bound content. The Add-In adds to MS Word an additional user interface which will help you to easily add and data-bind tagging elements representing placeholders, repeating blocks, charts and images. The Add-In does not suppress features provided by Word in any way. It only adds tagging and data-binding functionalities on top of everything Word provides.

Visual Data Binding

Data Binding is a process of connecting a tagging element to some particular data. Our Add-In will enable you to import the schema for each data source and then simply select the correct data field in order to associate it with a particular tagging element.

Visual Data Binding



Bind placeholders to simple values such as text, number or date and apply number and date-time formatting.

Lists and Repeating Blocks

Create hierarchical reports and documents containing multi-level nested tables, bulleted lists, horizontal tables or repeating blocks of arbitrary content.

Lists and Repeating Blocks

Conditional Content

Conditional Content

Tag part of a template's content to be conditionally included or excluded in the generated document.


Insert data-bound image placeholders while preserving MS Word image formatting.




All types of charts featured by MS Word can be easily bound to your data. Make your reports outstanding.

Aggregated Values

Add aggregated values to a report or a document by applying common aggregation functions such as Sum or Average.




Place data-bound hyperlink placeholders on a template that will result in clickable links in the generated document.

Document Merging and Combining

Merge and combine your documents any way you want. For example, you can insert another document in a table cell of a template. A sub document can be a Word document or a HTML fragment.

Document Merging and Combining

Headers, Footers, Sections

Headers, Footers, Sections

You can template headers and footers of your documents and reports as well. Insert tags bound to a logo, company data or your client info to make personalized documents with no hassle.