Unable to import and refresh doccentric schema with Dotnet Assembly

Nithin Ramakrishnan posted this 30 June 2021


I am getting an error "The chosen file is locked, is not a valid .NET assembly or one of its dependencies could not be loaded" while trying to reference a .Net assembly from doccentric addin from microsoft word. I am using version 6.1. It was working fine and suddenly started showing this error.

Any assistance can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Nithin

Last edited 01 July 2021

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jles posted this 01 July 2021

Hi Nithin,

Thank you for reporting the issue. Could you please tell me: is this a .NET Framework, .NET Standard or .NET Core assembly?

Thanks, Jure

156 Posts
296 Points
Nithin Ramakrishnan posted this 02 July 2021

Hi Jure, This in .NET Framework version 4.7.2

Thanks Nithin

3 Posts
3 Points
jles posted this 02 July 2021

Hi Nithin,

.NET Framework assemblies should work, since the Add-In itself is .NET Framework. It could be connected with dependencies. Could it be possible that the Add-In does not have rights to access the target location? Or, are you accessing a network drive? Try to access the assembly from a local disk location.

Could you also try to remember what has changed in your environment from the last time when this was still working fine? It would be great if you have a chance to try to reproduce this issue in any other machine.

If nothing works, could you please send me the DLL so that we try to reproduce the issue on our end?

Regards, Jure

156 Posts
296 Points
Nithin Ramakrishnan posted this 02 July 2021

Jure, Actually it works in some of my colleagues machine, but some facing the same locking issue. we are accessing it from local path itself which contain all dependencies. we couldn't figure out what is the issue. when we tried to import different assembly, its works fine. only causing this issue for that particular assembly.

Thanks Nithin

3 Posts
3 Points
jles posted this 05 July 2021


It is really hard to say what is going on.

  • Is there a chance for you to find the difference between these environments? Perhaps different versions of .NET Framework?
  • Can you try to load these assemblies on the machine where you are experiencing this issue from a folder that the Add-In has read permissions? Could you also run Word as Admin and try to reproduce the issue?
  • Has anything changed recently in your company IT-wise? Like changed security policy, etc?

Thanks, Jure

156 Posts
296 Points
jles posted this 13 July 2021

Hi Nithin,

You haven't got back. Did you solve this problem on your own? Let me know.

Thanks, Jure

156 Posts
296 Points