Setting values for unbound elements - can't found InstanceModel

zonadowns posted this 06 March 2018

Hello, I'm new in the docentric world and c# programming. May I have your help please?

I'been reading this info help

It's says that we can populate unbound elements in the ElementInitializeEventHandler event, but the example use a instruccion comparing to an objet that I cant found the reference in my project with Docentric dll v5.1.26. the object instance is: InstanceModel.FieldElementInstance. Where is it?

The code is:

void dg_ElementInitializeEventHandler(object sender, ElementInitializeEventArgs e)
            // Check if the current rendering element is the kind of Field element named as “AverageProductPrice” 

            if (e.Element is InstanceModel.FieldElementInstance &&
                ((InstanceModel.FieldElementInstance)e.Element).Name == "AverageProductPrice")
                // Set the formatted value of the element 
                var products = DataAccess.GetProducts().Where(p => p.Category.Name == "Seasonings");
                ((InstanceModel.FieldElementInstance)e.Element).TextValue = products.Average(p => p.Price).ToString("n2");

Thansk ind advance for your help.

Regards from Nicaragua.

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jles posted this 07 March 2018


Thank for posting a question on this forum. You can find the types and all relevant namespaces in our documentation:

I'm sorry to tell you but the documentation is wrong. These types do not exist and this is why you didn't find them. Ujse the types from the following namespace instead:

Please let me know if this helped and you made it work.

Since you are a newcomer, I would also recommend you to read the following blog article about choosing the right data source. Maybe this is something that might be useful for your project:

Best regards,

Jure Leskovec

156 Posts
296 Points
zonadowns posted this 08 March 2018

Hi Jure,

Thanks. I Found this in a example and let's ready!

void DocumentGeneratorOnElementInitialize(object sender, ElementInitializeEventArgs e)
    if (e.Element.Name == "TotalRegistros")
        // Set the formatted value of the element 
        //var products = DataAccess.GetProducts().Where(p => p.Category.Name == "Seasonings");
        e.Element.AsField().Value = CuentaRegistros;

The post in the Blog it's very helpful, I was wondering how to decide for the right Datasource.

Kind Regards,


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3 Points
jles posted this 09 March 2018

Hi Downs,

I'm happy I was able to help. Just let us know if you will need our help again.


Jure Leskovec

156 Posts
296 Points

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