PDF Compression

Andrew posted this 26 February 2021

Perhaps too off topic but I assume people here may have knowledge in the right area.

Using Docentric to produce a PDF report, works great but the filesize is quite large. I can use external tools to compress this output report to a size about 7 times smaller without any noticeable reduction in quality.

Anyone know of any good .NET PDF compression solutions I could use to avoid using the external tool?


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jles posted this 03 March 2021

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for reporting the issue. PDF large sizes are usually the result of having big images in a document. The external tools that you are mentioning are most probably taking your large PDF file, downsize all the images that are unnecessarily big and output the resulting PDF document.

Now, the problem with Docentric (as of v6.1) is that the Engine does not scale-down oversized images automatically and you can end-up with pretty large PDF files. We are aware of this problem and will address it in one of the future versions.

Could you please confirm, is what I described above your situation?



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andrew2 posted this 03 March 2021

Hi Jure,

Yep that's exactly right. I've done some work to shrink the file size and crop what is outside of the boundaries of the document but the file is still quite large. I was going to look at implementing some other means of compression, but if there's a chance this will be a part of Docentric in the future, I'll hang fire. It's nothing urgent, would just be good to have.


(Sorry, new account - password reset email never came)

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jles posted this 03 March 2021


Thank you for the reply. I can confirm this has been on our TODO list for some time. We are frequently seeing people doing simple mistakes by using huge company logos which really hinders performance and also produces large outputs.

We cannot commit to anything right now since we have been racing to finish v7.0 for a long time, and have currently a lot on our plates. Still, feel free and reach out anytime for a status update.

Best regards,


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