Here is a very simple question. I hope the answer is simple too... I just want to display X days after an XML datetime field.
How to use the XPath function date-time-add-days() ?
You can use the 'date-time-add-days' XPath function, for example the following XPath snippet adds 3 days to the invoice date field: date-time-add-days(InvoiceHeader/@InvoiceDate, 3)
When you bring up the XPath editor you can check all the XPath functions that are at your disposal.
Let me know if this helps.
Regards, Jure Leskovec
Hi Jude, This is the way I tried first but I get an error message in this case : date-time-add-days(PlanningVacationDTO/Extras/PlanningVacationExtraDTO/Jours/PlanningVacationJourDTO/Date,1) The message is : Échec de la fonction 'date-time-add-days()'
Where is my error ?
Could you please send (attach) your template (if possible, with just this FIELD element) so that we take a look into it? Also, what is the version of the Add-In?
Thanks, Jure