We are currently evaluating Docentric to replace our current Forms Generation software - invoices, checks, etc.
Having just put together a Word Template and following a simple example we are able to create a Docx file based on the merged data. We are hoping for some quick help / answers to keep our evaluation on track:
- There is a note from a year ago about supporting PDF generation - when will this be released?
- How do we deploy the Word plug-in to our customers? Ours is an ASP.NET Web Forms application.
- How do we deploy our datasources embedded in default templates - to give our customers a working example / starting point?
- Can you please provide an example code block that uses a template to create a multi-page output? For example we have a template for an invoice - and now want to create a batch invoice run - which would generate one document including each invoice within it, with page breaks between them.