PDF File Version and PDF/A

ninarg posted this 13 January 2015


we're using version 1.5.x of your toolkit and I just saw, that it's possible now to save the output as PDF document. But I am wondering what for a PDF format is supported and whether it is possible to convert the document output also in PDF/A format (1.0 would be ok). Furthermore, is it possible to do some meta data manipulation of the PDF document? I couldn't find anything in the documentation about it.

Thanks a lot!

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jles posted this 13 January 2015


1) Currently only (normal) PDF is supported. PDF/A and other PDF sub formats are on our roadmap, but I cannot give you any info on when the feature will be available.

2) Docentric Toolkit now supports document manipulation at the Document Object Model level - but there is nothing that allows you to manipulate concrete document formats, especially "fixed document" formats such as PDF or XPS. We will probably expose our own underlying PDF library sometime in the future but again, there is no fixed date for this feature.

I hope this answers your questions.

Regards, Jure Leskovec

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ninarg posted this 13 January 2015

Hi Jure,

thanks for your fast answer. It's good to hear that PDF/A is on the roadmap. It would save us the use of other tools and libraries and would fasten the complete document generation process a lot. I hope this feature will be available soon.

Thanks again and best regards, Michael

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2 Points

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